Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Spring Poems

Here are two Spring poems to read. I hope you like them!

Sara Teasdale
April, by Sara Teasdale, 1884-1933
The roofs are shining from the rain,
The sparrows twitter as they fly,
And with a windy April grace
The little clouds go by.

Yet the back yards are bare and brown
With only one unchanging tree--
I could not be so sure of Spring
Save that it sings in me.

Edith Nesbit
Child's Song in Spring, by Edith Nesbit, 1858-1924
The silver birch is a dainty lady,
 She wears a satin gown;
The elm tree makes the old churchyard shady,
 She will not live in town.

The English oak is a sturdy fellow,
 He gets his green coat late;
The willow is smart in a suit of yellow,
 While brown the beech trees wait.

Such a gay green gown God gives the larches--
 As green as He is good!
The hazels hold up their arms for arches
 When Spring rides through the wood.

The chestnut's proud, and the lilac's pretty,
 The poplar's gentle and tall,
But the plane tree's kind to the poor dull city--
 I love him best of all!