
The Circus 1891
This Term we will be studying Georges Seurat.  He is known for devising the technique of pointillism. Pointillism is when you use lots of tiny dots to create big pictures.  Many impressionists work we can understand better when we look at them far away.  I remember there was one time we went to a restaurant and when we first approached the booth there was a huge mural that you could tell was a car.  When I looked at it up close I saw millions of tiny dots.  This paintin
g was the first time I really realized that impressionism is not just lots of colors on a canvas it is a really good picture you just have to look at it from far away.
The painting to the right is called The Circus.  It was painted by Georges Seurat  in 1891.  If you click on the painting it will become bigger so you can see it better.


  1. I'm still not seeing that fourth person!

    Grace M.

  2. Feel free to ask questions in the comment box below. I will try to answer them as soon as possible.

  3. I didn't notice the factory in the background until everyone studied the painting and we had our discussion about it. I think it is very interesting that Seurat chose to put a smokey factory in the background.
