Monday, April 22, 2013

Seurat Paintings Term 2 2013

The Rock Breakers Le Raincy 1882
Bathers at Asnieres 1883-1884
These pictures are of the paintings that our TBG Group has studied in the Winter Term 2013.  We have been studying Georges Seurat.  He is known for devising the technique of pointillism. Pointillism is when you use lots of tiny dots to create big pictures.  Many impressionists work we can understand better when we look at them far away.  I remember there was one time we went to a restaurant and when we first approached the booth there was a huge mural that you could tell was a car.  When I looked at it up close I saw millions of tiny dots.  This painting was the first time I really realized that impressionism is not just lots of colors on a canvas it is a really good picture you just have to look at it from far away.  Seurat used pointillism to fool the eye.  If he used the colors red and yellow right next to each other your brain brain would see orange.  When you look at his paintings closer you will see that there are a lot of tiny dots that are all different colors even though you only see one color from far away.  Look at The Rock Breakers Le Raincy to your right.  (If it is not big enough you can click on it)  See how many different colors you see in the woods behind the people.  I see purple, green, brown and lots of others.  Never assume that something is just one
color.  When I was drawing the in a garden I put some pink in the grass and orange in the tree trunks. The picture turne
d out to be one of the best in the class all because I used funny colors.  Its like my art teacher said, "You have to look at what colors are really in the leaf and not what you think it should be."  The leaf I was drawing ended up to have some shades of purple in it.  How funny is that?  One thing to remember is: Always Expect the Unexpected!

Sunday Afternoon at La Grande Jatte

The Circus 
The Eiffel Tower 1889

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